Take Action!

Ξ April 17th, 2008 | → Comments Off on Take Action! | ∇ Uncategorized |

Looking around the interwebs, it’s clear that the vast majority of people who are aware of this new law are outraged! Unfortunately, not nearly enough people are aware yet. Help us spread the word!

1) Print out a poster. Clicking on the above picture will bring up a full-size, 8.5×11 graphic suitable for printing and posting. Hand them out to your local trucks. Put them on every lamppost, construction wall and phone booth possible (where legal). Plaster the city!

2) Write to Gloria Molina and the rest of the Supervisors. Below is a sample letter that you can use, add to or change any way you see fit. Fire it off to molina@bos.lacounty.gov.

Dear Supervisor Molina,

I am writing to express serious concern regarding the actions you have taken against the taco trucks in our neighborhoods. As a member of the Eastside community, I greatly value our local street vendors–for their food, service, and especially culture.
Taco trucks fill many voids left by traditional restaurants, whether it is more authentic, better food, better hours, or cheaper prices. Furthermore, taco trucks create a sense of community on the streets that enclosed, “brick-and-mortar” stores cannot.
Taco trucks are a special and unique facet of East Los Angeles, and something that I cherish about my neighborhood.

I urge you to withdraw your proposal, and instead focus on the more pressing and detrimental issues that are facing our community.

3) Read up. There are a lot of great blogs about L.A. that are taking note and also helping drive the petition. Check them out on our Links page. (And THANKS bloggers!)

4) Facebook it. Join the Facebook group created by one of our supporters. (Thanks Zane!)

5) Eat Tacos! Keep supporting our Taco Trucks every chance you get. Together we’ll be saving the world, one taco at a time!

6) And of course, SIGN THE PETITION!