LA Taco Itenerary

Ξ February 8th, 2009 | → Comments Off on LA Taco Itenerary | ∇ Uncategorized |

If you’re looking for a way to have a fun time, eat cheap, and educate your friends, why not take them on a taco truck tour of Los Angeles?  Things are quiet on the legislative front but don’t let the county’s seeming docility fool you.  West Hollywood has begun cracking down on hot dog carts and a bit farther afield, Italy has banned the opening of any new “ethnic” restaurants.  Think that kind of discrimination can’t happen here?  Engage in any conversation (especially on the NELA mailing list) about the trucks, and someone is bound to use the terms “anchor baby”, “peddle”, “illegal alien”, and “infestation”.  To help fight this ignorance we took a group from East Los Angeles to Echo Park last weekend on a tour of several of the taco mainstays.  Read all about it on our sister sight,